Some people see vulnerability as a sign of weakness. I see vulnerability
as a tool for empowerment and blessing in disguise. For some, when they are
vulnerable, their defenses go up, for me, I follow my heart. To be vulnerable means you are open to attack
or damage so by being vulnerable, it means that someone or something feels
threatened by you. If you give this statement serious thought, you will realize
that the attacker is not threatened by “what you did,” but rather, what you are
“capable of doing.” Since most people do not enjoy being vulnerable and would
do anything to avoid it, I think it is safe to say that attackers are
unjustifiable in their reasons for wanting to attack in the first place. When
you know that your heart is in the right place, and your intentions are for the
good of mankind, it is very easy to choose the role of one who is vulnerable
over the role of the attacker, even when the attacker has a full arsenal of
soldiers and weapons ready to take you down.
Most people associate being vulnerable with signs of being
easily defeated, weak, or under qualified or educated. Unenlightened
individuals are those who seek personal power and gains will try to defeat the
vulnerable. This could include things like personal injuries, lies, spreading
rumors, hurting people to rise the top, greedy tendencies, forcing thoughts and
opinions upon others, or manipulation. Something as simple as “challenging”
another person or competing with another person who doesn’t wish to play the
game could also be considered an attack by these ruthless individuals. One
thing is obvious, they try so hard to make it a point to others that they are
the “winner,” or “master” that, to the enlightened individual, that simple fact
is already a sure sign that they are they have no mastery because winners are
the ones who believe in the power of their “goodwill” and positive intentions
to carry them through the battle, even at the greatest of odds.
Where the
unenlightened see vulnerability as a weakness, the enlightened see
vulnerability as an opportunity. In my opinion, being vulnerable is a great
thing because it represents a chance for growth and an opportunity to “arm
yourself.” When I say “arm yourself,” I am referring to obtaining skills,
knowledge, and resources so that you are satisfied and able to live your life
to the fullest, being happy and on purpose, and having no regrets when you are
faced with death. Those who view being vulnerable in a positive light is more
resilient, able to easily overcome obstacles, and want to share their
experiences with others so that they can contribute to humanity in positive
Many people associate the word “master” with people who are
experts at something, or individuals who think of themselves as superior to
others and the “all powerful” while considering themselves the ruler or king above
all others. Any individual that chooses to think of themselves as a “master”
while displaying power and force over others, only shows that they do not
believe in their own strength which is why they force their power upon others
in the first place. If a person calls or considers themselves a master, they
are already admitting defeat in my eyes because “master” should not be a state
of being but rather a work in progress. Mastery should not be used as a title
or noun, .but rather; mastery should be used as a verb and a continuous effort
that is never achieved.
The most empowered individuals are those ordinary and
everyday individuals who do not claim to be a master or exhibit their power,
through their positions or otherwise, over others. They will admit to
vulnerability but never surrender to defeat because their willingness to evolve
allows them to continue to seek information while keeping an open mind and
connecting with others. Where unenlightened individuals seek to get their needs
and wants met first and foremost, the enlightened will recognize that by
fulfilling and contributing to the world’s wants and needs, it will contribute
to their own personal fulfillment.
The enlightened
individuals are not afraid to stand up for what is fair and just, whether it is
alone or with the support of many, because they know, in their heart, that their
intentions are based upon love and equality for all. They will choose to be
vulnerable because they know that it is the materialistic items that they
obtain in life that make them who they are, but rather what purpose or gift
they offered to the world and the essence of their soul that makes them who
they are. For them, the process of “attempting” to climb the mountain and
achieve greatness is far more valuable than ever truly reaching the peak. Titles,
statuses, recognition, or any benefits that could come from their hard work and
efforts are worthless compared to the value that came from experiencing and
reflecting upon their personal growth and the quality of life that comes from
living in moral ways with love, compassion, and kindness for all.
In my opinion, I never want to think of myself as “over”
“above” “better” or “more qualified” than anyone because there is so much that we could all
learn from one another and ways in which we could share our experiences,
knowledge, wisdom, gratitude, resources, and skills that would greatly enhance
and enrich one another’s quality of life. These are the things that we all need
to motivate and inspire us so that we can continue to evolve and grow on our
journey and live a life that is full of joy, hope, happiness, and peace. It is
this lifelong journey of “attempting” to master ourselves that will keep us
connected to people and the universe around us and continue to feed our hunger for
personal growth that will allow us to be open to change. By never considering ourselves
a “master,” we will allow ourselves to be vulnerable and learn to openly embrace
the unique expressions and information that others bring into our lives by
being their own original and unique self. Not judging others and allowing them
into our world, we will realize just how much we influence and affect one
another and the benefits of working together and treating one another with patience,
respect, compassion, and appreciation for the fact that others, just like us,
are on the same journey towards their own personal fulfillment.
Our personal journey of achievements and victories that are
achieved through the love, support, and encouragement of others will contribute
to our confidence and ability to continue on the path of fulfillment and discovery
and motivate us to take on bigger responsibilities, gain more knowledge, and
overcome even greater obstacles. . As you continue to reach greater heights of
achievement and personal growth, you will also notice that your feelings of
inner peace, joy, and happiness also arise, putting you even closer to becoming
self-realized.. Eventually, this inner
joy and peace will be so insurmountable that nothing in the world could
overcome them, causing you to be filled with gratitude and an appreciation for,
both, life and the world around you. The positive energy that you feel from
living life with gratitude, passion and purpose will affect the world in
tremendous ways by your attitude, words, and actions being mirrored by others
around you. As others witness the courage you display when displaying your
vulnerability, you will inspire them to have the courage to stand up against
the things are destructive or not beneficial within our relationships, people,
and our world. By opening up to change, you are letting go of things/thoughts
that no longer serve your purpose and allowing God to bless you with everything
you need to fully develop so that you can achieve that everlasting inner peace,
joy, and harmony that each of us deserve.
So many individuals think that “things” will make them happy;
running around in circles, obtaining nice cars, big homes, vacations, nice
clothes, etc,. forever searching for that one thing that will quench their
desires and bring them happiness, but never truly feeling satisfied. They jump
from one thing to the next, spending their days working hard and going the
extra mile so that they can earn the money to buy the things that they want or
that they think will make their family happy, but not appreciating the moments and
experiences that are right in front of them because they are too focused on
what their efforts are going to bring them. Unfortunately, sometimes people are
faced with events that will not allow for that future to manifest, and people
are forced deal with the regrets that come from not appreciating the things in
life that truly matter, each and every precious moment with loved ones that God
blesses us with. True happiness comes from knowing that you try to do the best
you can, appreciate every moment, treat all human beings with kindness and
respect, and try to live in enjoyable and moral ways, all which are completely
free and able to be awakened inside of each of us at any time.
It is my hunger, my thirst for growth that will keep me on
the path to my destiny. It is this hunger that will keep me on my never ending
journey to grow and evolve. I will never consider myself a “master,” nor will I
allow another to determine my actions and behaviors. I will always choose
vulnerability over mastery because if I were to claim to be a “master,” that
would mean that I had reached the “top” of the mountain, and therefore, there
would be nowhere to go but down! Personally, I like the climb.
Peg Clifford