........MY CIRCLE OF COURAGE.......
In order to be a leader, you must act from unconditional love. In order to act through love, you must first love yourself. In order to love yourself, you must first love your actions. In order to love your actions, you must first love your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. In order to love your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, you must first love your qualities, character, and values. In order to love your values, you must first live by your values. In order to live by and love your values, you must first be caring, compassionate, forgiving, grateful, honest, loyal, dependable, and understanding. When you live and love yourself in this way, then you naturally become a leader because others will love you also!_Kelli Patterson

Saturday, June 8, 2013

**********WOMAN-OF-WONDER********** Thoughts & Theories to Promote Peace: THE POWER OF THOUGHT, WORLD PEACE....MOST DEFINETL...

**********WOMAN-OF-WONDER********** Thoughts & Theories to Promote Peace: THE POWER OF THOUGHT, WORLD PEACE....MOST DEFINETL...: ISNT IT WORTH, AT THE LEAST, TRYING?????? John Lennon, a believer in the power of love and peace for all! Even though he is not phy...



John Lennon, a believer in the power of love and peace for all! Even though he is not physically walking this Earth, today, his amazing essence still remains, creating love, goodwill, compassion, and friendship while still raising money to overcome hunger and poverty. He is proof that all it takes is true love and compassion for all to touch people’s lives personally, tough our world as a whole, and to move mountains, even long after we have left this Earth. It is LOVE, and LOVE alone that overcomes everything in this world, and NOONE can destroy it,  not even by taking one’s life. With a pure heart and a life dedicated to humanity, the essence of that love will remain, long after we are gone. John has truly touched the heart of many, and God as his witness, allows his beauty and goodwill to thrive and motivate and inspire us all! We love and miss you John Lennon! You have been such an inspiration to me!


My goal in life is to do everything within my power to support, encourage, inspire, and educate people so that we can create a World where all men are treated equal and all individuals have what they need to survive and to be healthy and happy. Individuals, communities, organizations, states, and nations were all blessed with something that allows them to stand out above all the rest, whether it is our own individual gifts, talents, skills, or knowledge, or the resources of our lands, organizations who created products to contribute, or culture and innovation that would benefit others, and it is my MISSION to connect these dots and create a world where everyone’s needs are met. Rather than hoard onto the things that make “us” special, we can give it away, share, and empower others so that the human race will become more unified and equal so that people can learn to appreciate the life that they were given and appreciate the small things, nature, family, time with loved ones, and living a healthy life of purpose and passion. 


We are all teacher and students, we are all leaders and followers, we have all started at the bottom and worked our way to where we are, and, if we can learn to give away our power to help others, we can create a world where people are inspired and want to give back. One by one, people will “pay it forward” sharing what they have to give, in hopes of helping others to achieve their dreams and live out their destiny. There are so many hardworking individuals in this world, many with the skills and talent to become successful, who are never given the opportunity or do not have the financial backing, to support their dreams, yet it is those same individuals who, if they had opportunity, would give back to society and help to empower others. One by one, we can set off a chain of events that will create, not just leaders, but mentors who will share what have to give to help others, less fortunate, to grow into successful individuals. It is my mission to connect with these caring, compassionate, and loving individuals who want to give their power away in order to create a world of promise. As I meet people across the world who want to contribute, I hope to create a platform where people can connect and share their talents, skills, gifts and barter their services to one another so that they can get their needs met and become more empowered, so that they can focus on the things that are special in this world, such as joy and loved ones, rather than financial issues, all without the use of money.


In today’s economy, with the middle class disappearing, it is as important as ever that we find a way to get back what we have lost and create opportunities for people who are willing to put in the work needed to become empowered and who will turn around and do the same for others.  When humanity can learn and accept the fact that it is not just us and our little family, but our communities, our land, our states, our nation, and the entire world that will affect us and the future of our kids, we will be able to realize the importance of unity and working together. Who needs to be the best, have the most, or show power/authority over others, when wouldn’t it be better to have less, be more balanced, and have inner morals, ethics, values, and character and know that we can send our kids out into the yard to play, we can travel overseas and have visitors from other countries, without the fear of rejection or harm. We must find a new way, give away our power, share with our neighbors, and learn to trust and believe that they will do the same for us.


In these times of crisis, with wars in the world, hunger and poverty, people fighting for natural resources, changes our nation is going through, and the way people are separating into groups and dividing, it is as important as ever that we not live our life out of fear. People cannot focus on these things, when they do; they succumb to fear and only focus on the protection and needs of themselves and their loved ones. This is exactly what we do not want, this is Evil sneaking in and dividing us. We MUST trust that others are kind and learn to care about everyone on this Earth as much as we, and put LOVE and GOOD back out into this world if we hope to continue our existence. We must connect, hold hands, and not give into the media or others feelings that will cause us to act out in any other way than with love, respect, and compassion for our fellow man, no matter what they do. If not, our children will feel and imitate our fear and aggression, our neighbors will feel our fear and aggression, our communities will feel our fear and aggression, as well as our nation and the nations around the world will feel our fear and aggression. This will only cause people to become defensive, hoard resources, become chaotic and violent, hold onto whatever they can so that they feel “in control” or “powerful” and we will not be able to send our children to school, go in the yard to play, go visit other nations and all the natural beauty and wonder around this world, and the World will soon become nonexistent. Wouldn’t you rather live by hope, reaching out to others and giving them your trust and faith, allowing them to see that you mean them no harm, consider them your equal, and care and love them as much as you do yourself, and share what you have to offer. As people share their love, resources, skills, knowledge, ideas, etc., the world and the people in it will CONNECT rather than Separate and we can create a world where people do not compete to win, hurt others, share, and respect one another so that we can change what our world has become and get back our morals, ethics, values, and the love for all that god has blessed us with. No more fighting for what we have or holding on to our power, but giving it away, and sending out that ripple into the universe that will completely change the climate and culture of the world and begin to work towards achieving world peace. 


Many times I hear people say that it isn’t possible to achieve world peace and to stop violence (and I know nature/biology will make some people harder to change or to care), but as technology advances, so will the ability to help with biology, genes, and new medications that will allow for people to have healthy minds. Even if we are long gone into the spiritual world by then, wouldn’t you love to know that you were part of the movement that creates a “HEAVEN ON EARTH,” even if it isn’t until your great grandchildren are our age?


Too many people give up before they even try!!!! I don’t get it? I mean, how many of you have ever passed a test that you were sure you’d fail? How about got a job that you didn’t go for the interview? Got a date that you didn’t have the nerve to ask the person out? Well, hate to break it to you, but if you don’t believe in the power of love and its ability to create world peace, then you’re not going to contribute to it, and you’re going to make our job even harder. Thank goodness I know a ton of “LOVERS” who have enough faith to make up for the faith that some lack. It is these strong willed people who will make big things happen, even in the face of adversity and unbelievable obstacles, they will face evils and replace them with human virtues, and, someday, they will manifest a world where people live thru love, while respecting, and appreciating people of all different cultures, races, sizes and shapes, ages, mental capacities, and abilities. The world will shift to one where all people begin to live in sync with the universe. Even the people who were once considered the “NON BELIEVER’S,” once witnessing this shift will be transformed with thoughts of hope, belief, and faith by not being able to deny what their eyes show them. 


One thing is for sure….WORLD PEACE can and will happen, and the more who accept it and believe in it, the quicker it will happen.


For there to be world peace, there must first be inner peace. For there to be inner peace, one must believe that world peace is achievable because without this hope in mankind, one will remain untrusting and defensive which will cause a ripple that others sense, causing them to be defensive as well. These actions will DEFINETLY keep anyone from achieving inner peace because they are not surrounded by outer peace, causing walls and barriers to be put in place where world peace could have been achieved.


So for anyone who does not believe that world peace is achievable; I am going to end with one last question. This question, if answered honestly, should open your eyes to the fact that you are part of the reason why world peace has not been achieved yet.


Considering the fact that mostly everyone tends to allow their thoughts and feelings to affect the way they view others, treat others, and interact with the world around them:

“If you do not believe in world peace, it most likely means that you do not believe in humanity or the goodness in others. With a worldview, such as this, what type of vibe do you think you are putting out into the world around you? Do you think others would want to rush to be by your side, to want to work with you or to unite for a common purpose after receiving the negative vibes that you are sending their way, especially when those vibes consist of a lack of trust, that you do not have faith in them or mankind, or that you are unable to respect one another’s differences?” 

It should be very easy to realize how one’s nonbelief of world peace is part of the reason why they are attracting negativity and “non peaceful” individuals into their lives. We each have the power within us, to focus on or redirect our thoughts because, whether good or bad, it is these thoughts that are going to influence and produce one’s reality. It is up to each one of us as to what we choose to create. . 


There is one thing that NOONE can deny, which is that by not believing in world peace, one is contributing to factors that are preventing it from happening. World peace can only be achieved through love and compassion, not thru fear and mistrust, so by not believing in it, one is choosing to severe the bonds that will Unite and bring us together. We cannot force anyone to believe in anything, or to live life through compassion, caring for one another, or love, but we can continue to act in loving and caring ways ourselves and show them, first hand, the power of mutual trust, compassion, respect, and love and beauty it creates. 


It’s really funny how one little thing can change the future of our entire Universe, our own minds.  


Please, choose to be a believer!


Change your thoughts, change your reality



And since when has a little positive thinking ever hurt anyone anyways ;)


BLOSSOM....Never fear to be uniquely YOU!

SOMEWHERE OUT THERE....over the rainbow.....


SOMEWHERE OUT THERE....amongst the crowds and daily lives....



SOMEWHERE INSIDE OF the depths of your heart....



We must have the courage to be origional, unique, and true to ourselves. We must learn to love and accept ourselves, then we must learn to love and accept others. In doing so, we will provide the light that is needed for others to blossom into thier AWESOMELY unique selves. As each person is able to become true to themselves, they are, in turn,  dispersing feelings of joy and peace that will act as fertilizer, and encourage the growth of a gareden full of individual flowers, each one with full of rare and esquisite beauty. One unique flower can stand on it's own with its individual beauty, but when you place it in a garden full of vibrant flowers, it creates a world of beauty and a sight for the eyes to behold.

Looking down upon the world, we should view the whole as a picture of perfect harmony, while realizing that the perfect view from above would not be so without the specific duties and individual characteristics and traits of every living thing that encompasses it. We should never fear being origional and unique when you realize that, without each individual uniqueness and beauty, this world would not have the intrigue and mystery that keeps us searching and wanting to experience it more.

I do think that cultural diversity impacts a group, team, company, community, and the world in many ways, more so for the better. First of all, people tend to shun people/things that they are not familiar with or know nothing about out of fear and not understanding. The more people are able to understand people, ideas, etc. that are different from their own; the more that these people can relate to them and accept them. It allows for people to come up with new ideas to solve old problems, collaborate, and work together to achieve some type of shared perspective or acceptance. In my opinion, relationships are the basis of all things good in this world, peer, coworker relations, intimate, family, neighborly, etc. and by opening ourselves up to ways or people that are different from our own, these relationships (through building them and getting to know/and understand one another), can create stronger ties to one another to support, encourage, and promote the wellbeing and strength of these relationships and society as a whole.

If we wanted to lessen the negative impact that diversity can have (which I believe is only caused from people thinking they are superior in some way to the other culture) is have individuals focus inward so that they are able to humble themselves. In recognizing our own strengths and weaknesses and being honest with ourselves about why we feel like we do, have our own opinions, or why we think the way we do, we must realize and accept the fact that other people have their own unique personalities, styles, opinions, and ways in which they prefer to do things, as well.  This should help people to understand the fact that we should, not only accept people who are different than us, we should realize that without their unique and diverse qualities bringing color and flavor into our world, we would never reach a point of self-acceptance and satisfaction that comes with being able to be true to ourselves while living our authentic lives. We should not be viewing individual differences as a hinder, a barrier, or a negative aspect in any way; in fact, it should be just the opposite. We should use those individuals that are unique and different than us as a tool. We should allow their confidence and ability to be original, in despite of a world that is forever pressuring us change and be more like one another, to inspire and motivate us to have the courage to be unique and original as well. Their ease and ability to stay true to who they are, while not fearing or caring what others think of them, or what society, culture, laws, governance, or religion tells us to be should be a force for us to do the same. 

When you think about it, peace and true happiness for everyone on this Earth can be identified in three simple, yet extremely powerful words: “The Golden Rule!” It’s the process of reciprocation, I mean, how can anyone expect to be accepted by others, yet they are not willing to accept or act in judgmental ways towards others. By accepting others for who they are, we are then able to have confidence in ourselves when we allow ourselves to blossom into the person that we were meant to be, without fear of how others will treat us. With this growth comes intense introspect because how would anyone know how to be true to themselves if they aren’t building honest, intense, and a healthy relationship with themselves. Just as any relationship needs trust and honest communication to thrive, one must connect and communicate with their inner self. The more one gets to know themselves, the more resilience and inner strength they will gain because these self “insights” will make you aware of weaknesses, imperfections, or hindering aspects that lie within yourself. Just as you may have been noticing and focusing on other’s imperfections, annoying habits, or differences, you come to the realization that they probably feel the same way about you. Now, one will have a choice, to either continue to put up walls between those people who are different than you (which will further separate you from the world and cause others not to accept your imperfections), or you could accept them for their differences, just as you would hope that they would accept and appreciate in you.

The important thing to keep in mind, during this process, is that imperfections (whether within ourselves or of others) is the strongest tool that can be used and one that will bring your life the most value because it is the one thing that will link you to others, and the world around you. Such a fascinating thing to realize that the exact things that you have been focusing on and using as a barrier or a means of separation from others, is the exact and profound thing that is meant to connect you to those same individuals. Knowing your own less than desirable qualities could cause you to, upon first recognition, to feel a little less good about yourself, but in this humbling process, it causes you to realize that, deep-down, we all want the same thing, to be accepted and loved for who we are. This is the stepping stone to building strong and healthy relationships with everyone, while treating all persons as equals, because, in order for others to accept you, you must first accept yourself, and in order to accept yourself, you must accept others. This is where you learn that those differences or annoyances you may have once felt for others are the tie that binds us together, not the traits, qualities, or characteristics that should separate us.  

BOOM!!!  Just like that, you feel such a strong connection to the world, a connection that allows you to not only accept, but to value, appreciate, love, and praise those who are different from you, because without them, you may have not had the courage to become true to yourself. With this comes a peace of mind by knowing that no one is perfect, nor do we have to be because the true beauty lies in the uniqueness that is within each of us…imperfections and all. You will start to view the world around you in a whole different way. You will appreciate, have a deep and profound hunger and intrigue to want to know, understand, and relate to those who are much more different and unique than you. You will no longer try to change others or get annoyed when they don’t agree with your egotistical mind or opinions, and you will appreciate their thoughts, opinions, and feelings because it is the only way that you can view the world in a way that even remotely resembles that in which we call the “truth.”  

You will notice a shift when you stop focusing on individual differences. No longer will you be focusing on the past (why did they/I say or do that, I don’t care for or like this or that about them, what could I have done differently or how could I get them to see it my way), and no longer will you be focusing on the future (how will I change them, how will I get them to see my way, or harboring resentment for the way they have treated you or disagreed with your beliefs or opinions while seeking out ways to get back at them, seek out the advice or adversaries of others, or have to rely on others opinions to determine your actions.) and just like that, your whole world shifts from the then and later to the “here” and “now,” bringing with it, enriching and invaluable pleasure from being able to live in the moment while experience life on life’s terms. Such a liberating feeling to hand over the control of your destiny, to give away the keys to your ego, that which has steered your life for as long as you can remember. To surrender and allow your intuition and heart to guide you while allowing nature to unfold while your fate and self blossoms. Giving up this control, accepting things, people, and yourself, and allowing the love and energy to flow from you, you will have the courage within yourself that will allow you to thrive and achieve great things that may not have been otherwise possible without the love, support, and connection that you have made with others and the world around you. Inner peace, OM, harmony, nirvana, heaven, whatever you may wish to call it, now you have found it, you see a bit of yourself in everything around you, but you are able to also sense a little bit of that everything, inside of yourself.  

When you live life in this way, your whole world changes as you choose to see the world, and the people in it, as beautiful and unique, each in our own way. The energy you put out is positive, accepting, and encouraging; therefore, others become attracted to these positive vibrations, and individuals whom you encounter will feel at ease around you, and you will help them to feel confident that they are loved and accepted for who they are as well. The more individuals who are accepted for who they are will result in the transformation of even more individuals feeling less intimated to be their true and authentic selves. With these transformations will come inner peace, feelings of contentment, harmony (inner and outward), great joy and an intense gratitude that will create a synchronicity with the individual and the world around them. No more having to defend oneself, no more feelings of being judged or bullied, no more being forced to be someone or something we are not, no more feelings of being controlled (by society, others, or ourselves), but rather, just a calm and peaceful conscious mind. A mind that allows your days and moments to be filled with feeling of complete love, appreciation, and gratitude for the beauty that was once overlooked, but you are now witnessing that is pouring from the essence of every living thing around you. There is a certain serenity that comes with witnessing living things, whether people, plants, animals, clouds, nature, or elements, as they change, shift forms, evolve, or grow, while knowing that, just like you, they, too, are simply trying to survive and grow into better and more mature forms of being.