........MY CIRCLE OF COURAGE.......
In order to be a leader, you must act from unconditional love. In order to act through love, you must first love yourself. In order to love yourself, you must first love your actions. In order to love your actions, you must first love your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. In order to love your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, you must first love your qualities, character, and values. In order to love your values, you must first live by your values. In order to live by and love your values, you must first be caring, compassionate, forgiving, grateful, honest, loyal, dependable, and understanding. When you live and love yourself in this way, then you naturally become a leader because others will love you also!_Kelli Patterson

Saturday, September 29, 2012

My transformation to a superhero A.K.A Woman-of-Wonder

Do i think i am anything special?  Nope, but i do think i am the SUPERHERO of my own story!

In my opinion, far too many individuals spend so much time trying to get to know other people, meeting other people, and building relationships; however, very few of them have taken the time to truly know themselves.  If asked the question, “do you think you know yourself?” I think many individuals would immediately reply “yes, of course,” without really giving the question much thought.  I guess that people tend to think that just because they have spent a lifetime with themselves, that they really know the person that they are, and how others view them; however, In order for a person to “truly” know oneself, one must spend hours upon hours, days upon days, and weeks upon weeks looking within, and maybe then a person can satisfy their cravings just enough to realize that we are constantly a piece of work in progress.


Just because you are the one exhibiting behaviors, actions, feelings, or thoughts, it doesn’t mean that you fully understand what it is that is going on inside of you.  Since most individuals tend to view life from an “I am” perspective, it is important that p person learn to adopt a third person perspective when remembering, evaluating, and determining the events, situation, and messages behind their actions or behaviors. 


If one can put in the time needed to really get to know them, they will, along the way, begin to make changes and eliminate the parts of them that no longer serve a purpose.  If a person can dedicate themselves and focus solely upon themselves, a person should be able to peel back each layer of their being to determine which qualities and traits they wish to keep, and in what ways they wish to change.  As these changes occur, and a person becomes more of “Who they were meant to be,” rather than a product of their upbringing, environment, conditioning, social standing/acceptance, or what others want for them to be, they will begin to become in tune with who they are meant to be, their true and AUTHENTIC self!  As a person continues to peel away the layers, they start to become who they were always meant to be, and should be able to realize that there is absolutely nothing standing in their way of becoming whomever they wish to become, reaching great heights (financially, emotionally, career wise, etc..)  As the positive changes occur, one should become overcome with feelings of pride for who they are as a person and as well as what they have to offer the world.  No longer are they having to change who they are depending upon who they are around, but rather, they are so proud of who they are, as a person, that they feel confident to be this authentic person in all of their roles (parental, job, friendship, relationship, church, etc.)  As you evaluate the different areas of your life, one must realize that if they are trying to hide certain characteristics or certain experiences that you have gone through, it’s a pretty good sign that you have not accepted who you are as a person and before you expect others to embrace and like who you are, you must do some soul searching and decide what it is about yourself that needs changing.  On the contrary, when you are doing things the “right” way, or in an “ethical” or “moral” way, then you do not think twice about allowing others to see and know your “real” self.  Suddenly there is no need or room for lies, deception, imitation, fakeness, or envy in your life because you have discovered the root of your being, that which is worth more than anything else in this world, YOUR CHARACTER, and when your character is in place, all other decisions stemming from it are ones that you are proud of and willing to take ownership for! 


I try to make it a point to tell the at risk youth that I work with, “If you’re worried about people finding out about you, your actions, your problems, or your behaviors, it’s a pretty good sign that you should take a minute to reflect and determine why you do not want others to know about these actions because if you are doing the right thing, you wouldn’t care who knew what you were doing, thinking, acting, or behaving!”  In simpler terms, if you feel uncomfortable or are not willing to be honest and hold yourself accountable for your actions, then it is likely that you need to change your course of action or make another decision.  Sometimes I may even give them the definition of habeas corpus that I learned in my Criminal Justice class to help them to being to see the importance in weighing their decisions based on the possible outcomes to decide if their actions are worth the risk.  Pretty simple theory that a person can practice that could possibly keep them from making decisions that could have lifelong or dire consequences.


When establishing relationships with others, some people, when encountering a less than desirable trait from their friend/partner, will turn around and run the other way.  They will not communicate with the person about this “trait” in question, nor will they give the person a chance to change, but rather decide that they do not wish to continue to build the relationship.  You cannot run from these less than desirable traits within yourself, but what people tend to do in order to keep their confidence and save face is they tend to overlook or disregard their own less than desirable traits, qualities, or habits.  The best part about becoming self-actualized and transforming into your authentic self is you are able to acknowledge and accept your negative qualities as much as your positive ones.  Through recognizing our own imperfections, and realizing that we hold our own views, opinions, thoughts, and feelings on certain issues, you are at peace and able to fully respect and understand the same in others.  After you have realized how you have been molded into the person you are today, you realize that every individual out there has their own unique experiences to tell that comes along with their reasons for feeling and acting the way that they do.  It’s a wonderful thing to be able to realize that we are all human, with good qualities and bad, we all have our own individual story that has helped to mold us into what we are today, and we all can affect one another tremendously, it just depends on our actions whether or not those affects will be good or bad.


So what set me off on this journey of self-discovery?  It’s kind of funny actually because it all started with the topic of “SUPERHEROES.”  My nephews had come up to my home to spend some quality time with their aunt Kelli.  We had just gotten done watching a Disney movie, and we were off to camp out on the floor of my bedroom.  As they usually stated when spending the night, they requested that I tell them a bedtime story.  “What kind of story?” I asked.  “A scary one,” they replied in unison.  For some reason these boys love scary movies and stories, and they always tell me that my stories are not scary enough, so I knew this time I needed to step it up a bit.  As I was telling them the scary story, my dog made a loud noise just outside the window of my bedroom causing us all to jump out of our skin.  We all giggled when we realized it was just the dog, but I figured I’d better end the night on a more pleasant note.  I thought up a heroic story, one where the main character battled evil.  I was conjuring up the story in my head, while trying to think of the characteristics that I wanted the hero of my story to embody.  As I was contemplating, in my mind, what kind of person I wanted this person to be, how they would act, and what all they would accomplish, I realized, hey, anyone could become a superhero.  One does not have to have superpowers or inhuman characteristics to be a superhero, but rather, the right mindset, actions that they are proud of, integrity, and of course self-sacrificing character and behaviors.  I decided, at this time, that no longer would I waste my energy on griping and complaining about “things wrong in the world,” but instead I was going to work on myself, I was going to take on these heroic attributes, and I was going to go out there and change the things I did not like about this world.  Since that transformational moment, I have torn myself down and built myself back up, to become a better person, a stronger person, and a person who is proud of who I am, my actions, my thoughts, my intentions, and my behaviors.  What’s even better is knowing that it was myself who made those choices in who I was to become, not society, not my family, not conditioning from my environment, not expectations, and definitely not because of what others think that I “should be doing” or allowing past events or experiences to determine my actions and behaviors!


I was taught, through my education in dealing with “at risk” youth, that you can tell a lot about a person by asking them to fill in the blanks on the following statement:  “I am _____, people are ____, the world is ______.”   When I was first asked this question, I did not understand the significance and we were asked to reply in quick manor.  My answer to the question was:  “I am curious, people are confusing, and the world is fascinating.”  When I look back on this statement now, I am able to realize just how much it explains who I am as a person.  First of all, “I am curious” would explain my thirst for knowledge, adventure, and the unknown.  I am happy with life as long as I am continuing to learn, in fact, I am like a sponge, wanting to absorb every piece of knowledge I encounter.  The second part, “People are confusing,” would describe my need to help others, figure out their needs/wants/and motivations, to want to build relationships so that they have my support, and my ability to never judge but rather seek to understand them.  The third part:  “the world is fascinating,” would describe my thirst for adventure, my ability to adapt to different cultures and diversity, my desire to travel and visit distant lands, and my curiosity with the social sciences and humanistic endeavors.


As I started out on my journey to self-discovery that I was going to strip back all of my layers and into the core of my being, something I knew would not be easy!  I had to find out what part of my essence was part of which I was when God created me.  What was one thing that I could not question that I knew was an undeniable characteristic of who I was?  The one thing I knew for sure was that I had a big heart, was created, raised, and acted upon the essence of Love.  I knew aspect within me was true because after the many negative experiences in my lifetime, I was able to maintain the good faith of my fellow man and base my actions out of love for all living things, in unison.  With this newfound discovery of where I came from, I decided that love was to be the foundation to which every other building block of who I was to become would be based upon.  I would allow this foundation to guide my actions, thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and even doubts, because, in knowing that my love for all living things on this planet was my driving force behind my choices.  This made it almost too easy to have confidence in myself while allowing my instincts and conscious to guide me


At times, like all individuals, I would make mistakes and still do, but I have chosen to learn from these mistakes, while acknowledging the fact that without dealing with the bad, how would I ever know or appreciate the good in life.  Also, when you allow your instincts to guide your actions, even when they turn out to be the wrong choices, you do not allow these regrets to affect your esteem or your confidence because when your actions are based upon one intention, LOVE, these mistakes don’t seem to matter nearly as much.  As you are living life with this clear conscious, you do not feel the need to explain yourself or your actions because, in your heart, you knew that you have acted with nothing but the best of intentions.  Let me tell you, it is the best, most liberating feeling when you are able to stand by your choices and decisions, even when things do not go the way you had hoped.  It is humbling experiences, such as these, that connect you, even stronger, to all the different types of people in this world because as you begin to understand it within yourself, it, in turn, helps you to accept and even appreciate the same fact in others when they, too, make wrong decisions. 


Confronting, judging, and evaluating all that you are is not an easy process.  It definitely takes a certain someone to be able to face the good and bad within themselves.  In order to heal and move forward, out of the past, a person must dedicate themselves to constant change for the better which takes being able to acquire the education, training, and experience that it will take for them to be able to successfully partake in this positive transformation.  One must be willing to be one hundred percent, both, with themselves and others and be willing to become indifferent on many subjects, as well as the ability to view thing in life from many different perspectives.  You must spend immeasurable amounts of time reflecting, not only on events, situations, and experiences but also upon emotions, thoughts, feelings, behaviors, intentions, spirituality, and all physical aspects of your life and body. 


As time goes on, one should continue to reflect upon matters as well as attempt to come up with a rational and shared perspective to any given event or situation.  As one recalls these events, one should not only determine their own feelings, thoughts, and emotions that are connected with the event, but also be able to accept the perceptions of others could be extremely different than their own.  When recalling any given event, a person should evaluate the event itself, internal factors going on within themselves, outside variables, as well as any predetermining factors that may have contributed to the event, such as conditioning, social acceptance, motive, self-serving bias, and anything else that may have contributed to the event in any way.  As a person becomes more comfortable at identifying these factors, feelings, etc., it starts to become a natural aspect in their lives which will raise their emotional intelligence (EQ), and allow them to enjoy healthier interactions and relationships with everyone around them.


In order to fully grasp why my thought process worked in the way that it did, I had to delve into every aspect within my life which would include areas such as my upbringing, world views, religious views, social views, relationship views, family values, morals, character, ethics, dependency, education, outlook on life, resilience and ability to bounce back from failure, views and opinions on controversial matters, and many many more.  The goal was to really dig deep within my mind and see how every aspect of my life contributed to my opinions, feelings and thoughts on each one of these areas within my life.  The purpose was to determine whether or not I was indifferent to what was going on around me, while allowing myself to be my true authentic self, or was I a product of conditioning or adapting to my environment and allowing my decisions to be based upon other peoples thoughts, feelings, and opinions?   


The best thing that ever happened in my entire lifetime was my soul searching and being able to find myself, so that I was able to begin living life on my own terms.  This has made me realize the significance and worth for a person’s overall wellbeing when they are able to be true to themselves, and what others want them to be, what others have molded them into, or what others expect them to be.  A person will never find true happiness within the latter.  This is one of the reasons, although I enjoy voicing my opinions, I would never try to force them upon others because we must all be true to ourselves by being our authentic self.  People need to make decisions on their own, through introspect and reflection, but always remember to place the same value upon other’s opinions, views, thoughts or feelings.  I must admit, a little bit of active listening and open ended questions can help to give a person that little push that they may need to want to take that journey within.  In the process of finding yourself, you are able to pull out any weeds, or negative thought patterns, behaviors, or opinions that no longer work for you, and replace them with the ones that you are completely satisfied to stick by because you know that you are being true to yourself.  Dr. Wayne Dyer states that in order to reach a higher consciousness, one must be indifferent to the opinions of others, well this paragraph pretty much explains, in vague terms, how to reach this higher consciousness.  The only ones who do not benefit from this reflecting upon themselves are the external locus of control individuals, pessimistic individuals, or people who refuse to compromise with others to come up with a shared perspective and reality.  For the individuals who are willing to face up to their fears, accept their imperfections and shortcomings, and believe that they have control over where their lives will go, they will do what it takes in order to strengthen and improve themselves so that they are strong enough to control where their lives will go and the energy it will take to climb any and every mountain in their path!


Life is meant to be lived to the fullest.  One should always be looking for ways to grow by becoming smarter, stronger, healthier, and more enlightened.  For those who agree and accept the fact that life is a never ending journey of evolvement, growth, and exploration, they will tend to live a more satisfied, peaceful, and content life because they have found what is most important in life, themselves, which means that they are no longer searching anywhere but within themselves for their happiness.  For others, it seems as though they spend so much time working, running around taking care of things, moving on from one event to the next, and trying to find happiness by means of materialistic items that they are not appreciating the undeniable beauty that every moment on this Earth provides us with.  As they continue day to day, with their lives on fast forward, seeking an unquenchable desire for happiness through a world of materialistic and symbolic things, they are not even able to slow down long enough to realize that they are missing out on the greatest accomplishment they could ever achieve, the moment they are in.  As they run around, worrying about the future, they are missing out on the realization that all the happiness and joy that they could ever imagine, the grandest of mountains that they could ever climb, and the highest level of achievement that they could ever reach lies within them at this very moment, and YOU hold the master key.  Master your life, choose to embark on this journey, because there is a doorway within you waiting to be discovered, opened, explored, which will show you a whole new world full of beauty and joy that is ready to awakened and brought to light. 


I promise, for those of you who will take this journey inward, every experience thereafter will be filled with so much more beauty, significance, and worth.  No longer will you race around trying to find that one thing that you can’t quite identify that will bring you the joy that you so terribly seek.  No longer will you look for your happiness in materialistic things; no longer will your happiness depend on another person, because you now live out of the love that embodies you, the love that surrounds you with loving and supportive individuals.  Things that you use to think matter, like keeping up with the Jones’ or that job promotion you so desperately “have” to have no longer hold the significance in your life.  It is as if time slows down so that you are able to enjoy each given moment to the fullest, and the things that truly matter come to the forefront like family, health, relationships, goals, nature, spirituality, and all the other things that money could never buy.


It is as if someone has turned on the light switch in a room full of darkness as you embrace the spiritual awareness and appreciation that comes from this “REBIRTH.”  The glass remains half full, the rainbow is worth putting up with the storm, and you begin to always see things “on the bright side.”  Once you have transformed into this spiritual and higher conscious self, in times of sorrow, disappointment, and trials and tribulations, you allow this spirituality and appreciation for life direct you back to the center core of who you are, the love.  Knowing the power of this force and the ways in which it can transform, it is very easy to allow yourself to flow with any given situation, while riding it out, because you already know that in the end, love conquers all!  There is never a doubt to your faith in the power of this energy because you have already proved, to yourself, that the power of love can produce miracles!


The best way that I can think to describe it is (for those of you who have experienced a near death experience,) when you are faced with that life changing event that puts you at God’s mercy, time seems to slow down and everything that has ever mattered in life comes flashing before your eyes, your loved ones, your legacy, your hopes, wishes, dreams, and even regrets.  In that 10 second period of time when you are facing death, it is as if you are witnessing a lifetime of memories, and if you’re lucky, you are able to escape death, but do not forget the sights, and feelings you encountered as you were cheating death.  At that moment, your life is forever changed and you are filled with a newfound appreciation and outlook on life.  It is now very clear which things are important, and all the things that used to seem important no longer matter, like money, job, status, or that new car or home, all of it is irrelevant.  You are overcome with feelings of gratitude and joy for the chance to live and spend your time with your loved ones.  Self-actualization is very similar to this “near death experience.”  It is as if you have been reborn, all cares slip away, things that truly matter mean the most to you, while you make every moment count, and the best part is, you are able to live your life with no regrets because you are acting upon all the qualities that were embodied to us by God, love, nurture, compassion, empathy, sympathy, hope, faith, forgiveness, and understanding!


My outlook, my actions, and my intentions all are all formed through the most prominent energy in this world, LOVE.  With allowing my appreciation for the circle of life to influence each decision that I make, the world in front of me is forever evolving into what I dream it will be, a world full of hope, love, and dreams.  With each experience that I encounter, it is only I who has the power to choose how to look and feel about any given event, but when you choose to be optimistic, you manifest a reality that will mirror everything that you feel.  You create a ripple effect that is sent out into this world where we all affect one another, so please choose to see the beauty in everything around you, and watch even more beauty unfold as you manifest your reality. 


And there you have it!  Voila, I have now turned into the superhero of my own life story.  I embody all the traits and qualities of the heroines who battle evil and stand, in glory, in the face of opposition.  I will never understand why people will stand back and allow bad things to happen, or feel the need to only look out for the interests of themselves and those whom they love because I have found, in all circumstances, that it is possible for all of us to win, even when there doesn’t seem like a way in the beginning.  We need to choose to work together, strive for peace, and choose to do the right things in life in order to keep the evil forces at bay.  We must live our lives with just as much regard for others, animals, our environment, and the planet as we do for ourselves.  My outlook, my actions, and my intentions all based upon the foundation of LOVE, with the circle of life embracing every decision I make, and my view of the world evolving to match my love, my peace, my spirituality, and my compassion to mirror what already lies within me.  Can you see, feel, and experience the same beauty that I do in the world that surrounds you?  If not, please take the journey inward, face your fears, accept your faults, embrace uniqueness and you quirks, and in doing so, you too will be set free………….


To end this blog, I want to incorporate one of my three favorite quotes of all time.  When I stated earlier that self-actualization is the highest form of success and achievement, it truly is one that will set you free.  If every person on this earth would journey within, and make changes to become all that they can be, world peace could be achieved!


I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, then I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible in everything I do! Robert E. Heinlein


Sunday, September 9, 2012





MY DREAM FUTURE: Husband, children, family, friends, and PURPOSE!

PART 1: community and connecting

My third and most significant future is filled with my dreams and passions. It is a future filled with love, unity, and purpose. I would like to start a movement, first across the U.S. then to other country’s that would bring people together, help one another, and encourage people to “pay it forward,” which would create a sense of belonging and peace for all. People would seek to understand, rather than judge one another, and rather than giving up hope, they would work together to attempt to makes this world a better place and become connected. This dream of the future would allow me to connect with other enlightened and compassionate individuals, the chance to travel, collaborate to make a real difference in this world, and a lifelong journey of learning and exploring. My dream is to have the opportunity to meet, collaborate, and explore new ideas with individuals who share my passion for making this world a better place. Together, they could help me evolve my ideas, and explore new ones. The goal would be networking and communicating with individuals across the globe who would want to support a movement of peace and collaboration. This can be done with mass media, networking, good communication between individuals, and good old fashioned footwork. People’s dreams will be met, people will become inspired, things never thought possible will become accomplished, cultural and diverse lines will be crossed, and people will see the power of love!

I have many ideas on how to get this movement started. Some may be outlandish but I truly believe that as others learn about the movement, they too will be inspired to want to join in. My first idea is to find funding for those entrepreneurs who have great ideas and work ethic but no financial backing. If we can find money to invest in their ideas, we can help their dreams become a reality. They will make enough money to make life worthwhile, but must also agree to donate a certain amount of their successes back to the community and its programs that benefit humanity. My next idea is a school program that will help with bullying and encourage positive behaviors from today’s youth as well as pull the “outcasts” into a circle of peers who will care for and support them. It is a program that will be implemented in schools, where certain morally grounded seniors will become leaders. They will reach out to other youth in the school system whom others ignore or bully. They will take this youth into their circle, encourage successes, give this youth opportunity to meet new people and try new things, as well as mentor them. This will allow these youth to know and understand other youth whom they may have never given the opportunity to know. It will encourage a peer to be drug free, volunteer in community organizations, and become involved in creative and extracurricular activities. The youth leader will receive merits and a letter of recommendation from their school to the college that they apply for to help with scholarships and show their leadership abilities. The peer whom they mentored will then be encouraged, themselves, to become a leader once they become seniors and follow in their mentors footsteps. I have much more on this idea, which I call “beneath my wings program,” but I wanted to give you a basic overview of the goals of the program.

Another idea that I hope to evolve on is integrating all the wonderful nonprofits to help benefit one another. For instance, convicts and community members can donate time to build homeless shelters. In turn, these people whom live in these shelters will donate time into another nonprofit org.. For example, the youth I work with at Pressley Ridge could donate time to help build additions onto domestic violence shelters or to the humane society. The homeless people could donate time to visit a nursing home to play a game of cards and converse with the elderly. In turn, the elderly could knit blankets for the homeless shelter or help them learn to read. A police officer could visit a juvenile placement and talk to at risk youth, on their level, without them being in trouble or having to feel intimidated. A person who is given a place to stay at a homeless shelter could agree to donate a few hours a month to the local ymca or boys/girls club to teach a youth how to swim, paint, play a sport, coach a little league team, or any other artistic venture. All of this would help give each of these individuals a sense of purpose and belonging. We could take youth who are in placement, people from homeless shelters or other organizations and have them donate time at the local library to help people learn to read. These are just a few of my ideas on this issue, but I truly believe that people whom receive help will also want to reach out and help others. Whether it is building something, sharing/teaching certain skills, or donating time to offer love and support to another, the theme would be helping one another. The CEO’s or representatives from community programs and non-profit organizations will have monthly meetings, in each community across the U.S., to see how they can integrate, support, and help one another. Through collaboration and joint efforts, far more people will be served and challenges will be overcome as well as less tax money will be used for these specific programs which means there will be more money to build/create more humanitarian programs.

Another program that I would like to see implemented in each town is the sober carpool/ride programs. The cars can be provided by donations within the community, or using automobiles that are built in learning programs such as trade schools, colleges, and prisons. Old junk cars can be taken into jails, or youth programs where the inmates or youth receive training on mechanics so that they acquire the skills needed to become successful once released from imprisonment. As each person is taught this valuable skill, and each car is completed, the car can then be donated to a person (preferably to a hardworking family with children who are in need, or a college campus). If donated to a family, they will then have to agree to donate one 4 hour shift a month, for an agreed time period (preferrabally a year) to drive home college kids or intoxicated individuals on the weekends. This will help to reduce the amount of drunk driving accidents and deaths resulting from it. If the cars were donated to college campuses, individuals who receive tickets or citations would have to agree to be a sober driver for a night rather than pay a fine or as a consequence for certain actions. Automobiles that are seized by the police, for drugs or other circumstances, should also be donated to programs that assist the public such as the sober driving program or a program that assists the elderly or disabled to do things like be able to go to doctor appointments or grocery shopping. Citizens who receive moving violations, have suspended licenses due to accumulation of points, or individuals who have community service hours could donate time to drive these cars in order to receive a deduction in fines or lengths of their sentence. People with outstanding and outrageous ammounts of fines to pay in order to get their licenses reinstated would have an opportunity to clean the slate and start over. I have known many individuals who were involved in situations which resulted in them owing the state thousands of dollars in order to have their driving priveliges reinstated. Most persons with a family do not have this kind of money, so they either drive illegally, or choose to live on welfare. Either way, the state does not receive the money most of the time, and the individuals children and family are hurt in the process as well as our tax money is used to pay them for being unemployed or for food stamps, etc. At least the state would be benefitting somewhat and people can choose to take the right path and have their license cleared through these community service hours, either way, the person will not have an excuse.

My second to largest idea is what I’d like to call, “the kick off.” This would be a specific date and time to start the events of “pay it forward.” Pay it forward would consist of three specific aspects and actions and would need the assistance of mass media and supporters to have the greatest impact. The first aspect would be what I call “tag” and would spread kindness all over the country. “Tag” would be a specific date and time (“kick off”) and we would encourage as many individuals as we can to take what they can afford and go into the community in search of a person/family who looks like they could use the money, and hand them the money. The giver would simply ask that the person who is on the receiving end to “pay it forward” with two acts of kindness. Whether it be to babysit for a couple who needs to rekindle the spark in their marriage, mow a neighbor’s lawn, clean an elderly person’s house, or help a person put the groceries in their car. It could be anything really, but this person would then ask the next person to do the same. For those individuals who have more to offer, financially, the greater they would ask the person to pay it forward. I know that I live paycheck to paycheck, but if an event like this were to occur, I could definitely come up with at least fifty dollars or so, and feel great about doing this deed. My faith in mankind tells me that there are many other caring individuals who would do and feel the same way.

The second aspect to “pay it forward,” would be a special newspaper section devoted to “pay it forward.” Here readers could post skills or actions that they can offer others, as well as things or deeds people may need or to be done. Only one requirement, if you receive help or a response to the message, then you offer your skills to someone else. This could be as simple as cooking someone a meal, helping out with chores, helping someone to learn a new skill, or tutoring a youth. It could be a roofer putting a roof on a persons home in exchange for the person remodeling their bathroom or equivalent to the roofing job. It could be anything really as each person’s needs are different. Since each person is specialized in certain skills, and lack in others, this concept would allow people to obtain/accomplish things that they may not have been otherwise financially able to. This concept is based on a bartering theory. This would help people to thrive based on Maslow’s theory because it would help people’s basic needs to be met, as well as others to thrive or get ahead.

The third aspect to “pay it forward” would be what I call “day of dreams calendar.” I would like to collaborate with individuals and create a calendar that is dedicated to giving. There are 365 days in a year and I would like to make each day a special aspect to giving. One day could be a free oil change, another could be a free haircut to a child who needs a confidence boost, another for winter coat giving, another for feed the hungry/grocery giving, another for dreams to ill children, another to a free scholarship to a college or university, etc. etc. For this, I will need the help of many to communicate and canvas. We would have to contact businesses and individuals and ask them for their participation. For example, if it was a free oil change day (once a year), we would approach a business and tell them what we are trying to do and ask them for their participation. Surely they would oblige when a thirty dollar oil change is a drop in a bucket to what the company earns. As we get one oil change place to support our cause, I predict that many other automobile places will also want to contribute, to stay in competition if for no other reason. This example would be the same no matter what service we were applying it to. It would be one day a year and one service from each company. I would like to think that successful business owners would like to give back, if not truly from the heart and good intensions, then from wanting to be perceived by the community in good ways. This calendar will be distributed to all individuals across the globe, and they could assist us in encouraging supporters by word of mouth, and also receive advertisements for their good deeds. What’s better than good PR, right?


My third and largest dream to conquer would be to see WV have a national football team. People think I am crazy, and tell me that it will never happen. My response to them is, “well if Baltimore can build a stadium in the middle of a congested city, why can’t we do it here. We have all this land!” I think this is a great idea because WV is big on sports, and would love to have a football team. It would bring in a ton of revenue once completed, create tons of job opportunities, and help tremendously with the economic success of West Virginia. What would be better than a football stadium in the middle of all these beautiful mountains? We could have places for camping, music, and activities surrounding it so that people who love the nature aspect and spending times with friends and family could make a week or weekend trip out of it. Family, fun, campfires, and football. What could be better than that?

Not only to I wish to see a stadium built, but I also want it to contribute to humanity by allowing it to double as a concert stadium when it is not being used for football. I live for music and living in West Virginia, I have come to realize that there are very few concerts in the area. My friends are always traveling to nearby states when they want to attend a concert. If the stadium was built, one night a week, a musician will come and spend four hours doing a concert that will benefit a charity or cause of their choice. If you think about it, there are 52 weeks in a year. That means yearly we would need 52 artists to give away four hours of their time for a great cause. With all the musicians who are giving, who have went through difficult times, or even had drug abuse problems, there are sure to be, at the least, 52 artists a year who would be willing to contribute. I would call this stadium “Music Makes the Difference.” It would be known as a place where people of love, faith, peace, and hope would gather to spread the message of love and hope.

I know that this is an extremely expensive dream; however, I have ideas that could help make it cheaper and also contribute to the problem of prisoner recidivism. There are so many people who are incarcerated, who reoffend once they are released. With the lack of transitioning programs available, once released, prisoners either end up back in the same environment or have nowhere to go, and no money or means to make it. This is a major cause of them reentering prison. It costs U.S. citizens tons of tax dollars to house and feed them, and the prisons are overcrowded. If we decided to build a stadium, I’d like to see non violent prisoners working on the construction of it. They would have the opportunity to integrate some back into the community, learn a sense of responsibility and work ethic as well as earn money so they have a starting point once they are released from jail. We wouldn’t have to pay them as much as we would a free citizen, but rather something fair, like a half or a third of what a normal individual would make. While they are building the stadium, and earning money, they would also be able to support their families or pay their past due child support as well as any fines. This will help to give them hope and encourage them to keep on the right path. Think about it, if you were released from prison, couldn’t get a job, no home, no way to feed yourself or money to start a life with while also owing the court money and past due child support, wouldn’t any individual feel that they were buried too deep in a hole to dig themselves out of? I know I would! This is why so many prisoners reoffend. They either do not see any hope or any light at the end of the tunnel, or they go from being locked in a cell, to complete freedom, with no transitioning period. I do see this dream as being possible, and if it had the right financial backers to see it through, it could do a lot of good with recidivism, save on tax dollars, help out financially with tons of good to charities, as well as make the investors tons of money once it was completed and obtained an NFL team while also contributing greatly to the economic success of our beautiful state.

My ideal future is probably somewhat of a mixture of all three scenarios, and I also realize that I may not achieve many of my dreams but that is what I am, an idealist and a dreamer. This is what keeps me having faith in all of mankind and know that every little effort from an individual can make a big difference in someone else’s life. Either way, I know I will be happy because in the end all I could ask for is to be surrounded by loving and caring individuals which I already am. I keep my mind optimistic, share my love, help to teach others, and truly love and care for every person on this planet so even if I died at this very moment, that would be okay. It would be God’s fate and I would die loved and happy with my dreams written down on this paper with hopes that others will find it, and encourage one another to work together rather than against one another and create a nation of peace, compassion, and LOVE!